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Tag: Ramahyuck

Ramahyuck burial site returned to traditional owners

The Ramahyuck Mission Cemetery at Perry Bridge is one of two former Aboriginal mission sites the state government is giving Traditional Owners greater control...

Ramahyuck dental clinic closing

AFTER more than a decade of service to Gippsland residents, the Ramahyuck Gippsland Dental Practice will close its doors in just over a month's...

Free skin checks for Indigenous communities

IN the first initiative of its kind in Gippsland, members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities underwent free skin checks when a mobile...

‘Yes’ campaign now in full swing

Tom Parry MOMENTUM is gathering for a 'Yes' vote at the upcoming federal referendum, despite recent polls suggesting that support is waning. Later this year, Australians...

Community celebrates NAIDOC

Tom Parry PROUD members of the Gunaikurnai community and their supporters gathered on Monday (July 3) to mark NAIDOC Week. A flag-raising ceremony was hosted by...

Ramahyuck’s 2023 Sorry Day service

Tom Parry RAMAHYUCK District Aboriginal Corporation has acknowledged National Sorry Day with a service of remembrance and morning tea. A crowd of over 50 people gathered...

Activities galore at Ramahyuck

IT was school holiday fun at Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation’s (RDAC) Community Family Day on Wednesday, as part of NAIDOC Week celebrations. There was plenty...

Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

RAMAHYUCK District Aboriginal Corporation (NDAC) celebrated NAIDOC Week on Monday. Over 100 attendees came to see a Smoking Ceremony, speeches, awards, cultural dancing, Welcome to...

Paying respects on Sorry Day

The nationwide event was observed with a moving event hosted by Ramahyuck

30 years of Ramahyuck celebrated

Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation celebrated 30 years of incorporation on Thursday, May 12 with a flag-raising, speeches, history displays and a roast lunch.

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Snap Fitness Sale’s official grand opening

Despite being open to the public for months, Snap Fitness Sale had its official grand opening on Monday last week. There were appearances from the...