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Tag: Nakunbalook

Preparing women for public office with Sale training sessions

Women for Election, an organisation that inspires and equips more women to run for public office in Australia across all levels of government, is...

Free expo at Nakunbalook helps reduce bills

THE 'Making the Switch' expo will be held in Sale later this month, to share how transitioning from gas to electricity can benefit your...

U3A members go to Nakunbalook

SALE U3A (University of the Third Age) met at a different venue recently and it was a delightful difference. The name of the building is...

Meet the bats at a new display in Sale

A NEW display in Sale aims to educate people on a widely misunderstood species, the Grey-headed Flying Fox, which has again taken roost around...
Here Comes the Future Youth Summit

Here Comes the Future Youth Summit at Nakunbalook

Among the towering gum trees on the banks of Lake Guthridge stands the Nakunbalook Environmental and Cultural Education Centre, Sale’s new $650,000 centre, boasting...

Guided tour of Lakes Guthridge & Guyatt during Nakunbalook celebrations

A SMALL group of 15 nature enthusiasts joined Wellington Shire Council Manager Natural Environment and Parks Tim Rowe for a guided walk around Lake...

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Snap Fitness Sale’s official grand opening

Despite being open to the public for months, Snap Fitness Sale had its official grand opening on Monday last week. There were appearances from the...