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Renewable planning to be accelerated by state government

THE state government is accelerating planning approvals for renewable projects as several energy experts have predicted that Victoria's wind energy will be more expensive...

Investing in food and fibre

The state government will invest $1 million into a CSIRO-led consortium that aims to co-ordinate research and boost Victorian agriculture, with a special emphasis...

HEPA filters a breath of fresh area

Portable air purifiers fitted with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can substantially improve indoor air quality during bushfire events, according to new research from...

The key to a successful diet

New research from Australia's national science organisation, the CSIRO, targets one of the most major impediments to efficient dieting - cravings - and is...

Weather extremes challenge Gippsland farmers

Weather extremes such as heavy rainfall and extreme heat are a challenge for any farmer, but with such events tipped to become increasingly frequent...

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Snap Fitness Sale’s official grand opening

Despite being open to the public for months, Snap Fitness Sale had its official grand opening on Monday last week. There were appearances from the...