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Tag: climate change

Combating climate change using adaptive farming models

Gippsland farmers are adapting farming practices and business models to combat the increasing symptoms of climate change. Many local farmers owe these adaptations to their...

Weather extremes challenge Gippsland farmers

Weather extremes such as heavy rainfall and extreme heat are a challenge for any farmer, but with such events tipped to become increasingly frequent...

Pure delight for new venture at Longford

Construction has officially commenced on a new CO2 Purification Plant at Longford.

Loch Sport launches yet another bid to solve erosion issue

Residents are still waiting for a solution to the ongoing loss of the foreshore.

Farmers want federal climate action

MEMBERS of Farmers for Climate Action are calling on Gippsland MHR Darren Chester to take the message to Parliament that farmers want stronger action...

Chester’s climate change caution

GIPPSLAND MHR Darren Chester publicly cautioned his party against climate denial earlier this month, calling for "more boots and less suits" when it comes...

Gormandale farmer says storms are part of an emerging pattern

A GIPPSLAND farmer who has spent years lobbying governments to act more quickly on climate change says Australia will experience more severe storms because...

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Sessions to shape Stratford plan

Wellington Shire Council will host sessions tonight and tomorrow to gain community insights into the future of Stratford. The proposed Stratford Structure Plan will set...