A class above in calisthenics

The East Gippsland Calisthenic team which was the overall winner at the Westside competition, (back row, from left) Felishia Higgins, Lily Holmes, Darcy Monaghan, Bella Smyth, (front) Amber Smyth, McKennah Higgins, Hayden Pattison and Jasmine Sargent. Photo: Contributed

East Gippsland Calisthenics won the overall title at the Westside competition in Melbourne.

The club, based in Sale, achieved one first placing, four seconds and one third to come home with the silverware by the end of the day.

Club representatives were delighted with their improvement and recognised the one-on-one training the team members have had as contributing to this win.

“It’s great to see reward for their effort, everyone pulling together to improve each week to deliver outstanding results as a team,” they said.

“Many team members have been training for solo performances which has contributed to their drive as a team to achieve continuous improvement.”

The East Gippsland Calisthenics junior team looks forward to its final competition at Westernport in Melbourne, and to welcoming children to try calisthenics for free on Mondays in October.

For more information email East Gippsland Calisthenics at gippycali@gmail.com