First all-abilities basketball tournament held in Sale

Two all abilities basketball games were played during the Latrobe Valley Hoopla event at GRSC. Photo: Contributed

The first all abilities basketball tournament in Gippsland was held in Sale on Saturday, September 14.

The event was held as part of the Latrobe Valley Hoopla masters basketball tournament.

It was to be held in the Newborough, was moved to the Gippsland Regional Sports Complex due to insurance issues.

Thirteen men’s and women’s masters teams, ranging in ages from 30 to 72, participated.

In the all abilities division, Wildcats Black took on Wildcats White.

For all AA players, it was the first time they all have ever worn a uniform. All players were individually announced on to the court.

According to organiser Steve Saynor, the standard of the two games played was impressive, with the shooting and scoring described as incredible.

The masters tournament stopped for the first AA game, with Saynor saying the participation from the crowd was “sensational”.

“There were tears and red eyes everywhere,” he said.

The Wildcats Masters Ball Club ran the event, with help from many off-duty carers and Ash and Peter Green from the George Gray Centre, who paid for the AA medals.

“It was a hugely successful event, but the highlight for all without exception was the AA games,” Saynor said.

“Many said it was one of the best days of their life.”

The Wildcats masters clubs intend to run a midweek event at GRSC on Tuesday, November 26.

“The door has been burst open, we want all to walk through it,” Saynor said.