Swans to celebrate sensational season

Stratford 2014 A Grade premiers. Sandy Slattery (coach), Lauren Pini, Michelle Coster, Simone Turner, Katy Coster. (Front) Leanne Jones, Sarah Boyd, Tori Wilson, and Ashlea Wilson. Photos: Contributed

IF a season’s success is measured by premierships, then 2014 would be the Stratford Football-Netball Club’s most successful ever.

The Swans won two football premierships and all four senior netball premierships on offer in the East Gippsland Football-Netball League that season.

After moving to East Gippsland from North Gippsland in 2012, nobody could have envisaged the success that would follow just two years later.

The Stratford senior football team was led by former South Melbourne player Peter Morrison.

Stratford 2014 senior premiers. (Back) Lachy Heywood, Al Beechey, Kaine Kerton, Sam Noone, Josh Kiss, Pat Gordon, Jack Bacon, Tim Hawkins. (Middle) Josh Tolner, Lewis Bolton, Nick French, Peter Morrison (coach), Jarryd Clohesy (captain), Mick Walker, Joel Brayshaw, Nick Channing. (Front) Luke Clohesy, Liam Lemon, Lachy Channing, Jordon Robertson, Rodney O’Keefe, Corey Scholtes, and Jesse Broadbent.

Amazingly, it was Morrison’s first premiership as a senior coach.

The club also won the reserves football flag, and netball premierships in A Grade, B Grade, C Grade and D Grade.

Current Stratford senior coach, Gavin O’Shannassy played in the reserves premiership.

The 10-year anniversary celebrations will be held on Saturday, July 27 at the J A Boyd Stratford Recreation Reserve. The official function commences at 6pm.

The club invites all who were involved in season 2014 to come and revisit this great year for the Swans.

Stratford 2014 B Grade premiers. Michelle Coster (coach), Sandy Slattery, Rosie Phillips, Maddie Laurie Rhodes, Rachel Turner, Merewalesi Pritchett, Katy Coster (coach). (Front) Claire Stracey, Jo Mynard, Tegan Slattery, and Shani Dixon.

Stratford 2014 C Grade premiers. Carmel Boyd (team manager), Brooke Wilson, Kym Albrecht, Kellie Gartung, Breanna Kerton, Marita Wilson (coach). (Front) Kiana Minchin, Merran Bradley, Kara Withel, and Hayley Bartlett.

Stratford 2014 D Grade premiers. Melissa Dean (coach), Grace Nicholls, Sophie Robins, Kaila Goodwin, Nellie Hunt. (Front) Megan Keil, Maddison Telling, Heidi Vranek, Payton Albrecht, and Maggie Tatterson.

Stratford 2014 reserves premiers (pictured right). (Back) Jordon Clegg, Glen Van Ruiswyk, Lachy Schilg, Glenn Aeschlimann, Steve McKerrow, Cliff Pini, Luke Heyne, Kieran O’Dwyer. (Middle) Gavin O’Shannassy, Dylen Cartwright, James Russell, Mark Nicholls, James March, Aaron Lynch, Tyler Minchin, Tom Jessop. (Front) Will Crowson, Mat Tatterson, Mitch Higgins, Corey Fulford, Paul Monck, Sam Breakspear, and Riley Wyld.