Welcome to your new Wednesday Gippsland Times

David Braithwaite

Welcome to your new Wednesday Gippsland Times.

From this week, the Gippsland Times’ printed editions will be combined into one issue, available each Wednesday.

The weekly Gippsland Times costs $2, the same as our previous issues, but will present better value for money, as it will be at least double the size of the regular Friday paper.

Rather than being a reduction in the coverage of local news and events, we will bolster and be able to enhance our coverage of local news and events into the future.

We will also be implementing changes to our website, with the intention of providing the Wellington Shire community with comprehensive and up to date local news.

The decision to change to having a single paid newspaper each week came after much consideration, and is emblematic of a wider trend in the media industry.

We value the contribution of the community to this newspaper, and we pride ourselves on our ability to promote local events.

With the changes to the print edition, there will also be changes to our publication deadlines.

To be considered for a particular Wednesday Gippsland Times, contributions need to be submitted by 2pm Monday afternoon. To greatly increase your chances of being included in the paper, the earlier we receive a contribution the better.

To submit stories, story ideas, promotions for community events and photos, email them to news@gippslandtimes.com.au

Sports stories, results and photos can be sent to sport@gippslandtimes.com.au

Adjusting to any kind of change, especially from a long-time process, can be challenging, and we appreciate your support as we look to take the Gippsland Times into the future.

Finally, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge those who have delivered the free Tuesday Gippsland Times to homes across Wellington Shire. You have helped residents keep in touch with what’s happening in their community.

For many deliverers, this had been their first job.

On behalf of the Gippsland Times, I’d like to thank you for your service to the paper and the community.