More than 750 houses are slated for construction across the state as part of the federal government’s $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator in a bid to combat the continuous housing crisis affecting Victoria but also all Australia.

Last week, the federal Housing Minister, Julie Collins, announced that Victoria had received almost $500 million to deliver more homes for Victorians.

“We recognise Australia is facing housing challenges,” she said.

Victoria’s Minister for Housing, Harriet Shing, said the state and federal governments were jointly providing homes for Victorians who deserve a place to call their own.

The state government had injected $20 million into housing projects throughout East Gippsland. Through initiatives such as the Big Housing Build and other social housing programs, the region has already seen the completion or progress of 57 new homes.

Thousands of new homes had been delivered, “but there is more work to do”, Ms Shing said.

“This Commonwealth support will help our work to go even further.”

The $2 billion Social Housing Accelerator builds on the new $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund and agreement by National Cabinet to deliver housing reforms, which include a new national target to build 1.2 million new well–located homes, the National Planning Reform Blueprint, and A Better Deal for Renters.

“The Social Housing Accelerator is just one part of our ambitious housing reform agenda,” Ms Collins said.

To incentivise states and territories to undertake the reforms necessary to reach the 1.2 million well–located homes target, the federal government also invested a further $3 billion in the New Homes Bonus at National Cabinet.

A new Housing Support Program will also provide another $500 million to help local, state and territory governments deliver new housing supply in well–located areas.