It’s silver shovel ready.

Representatives from the state government, Wellington Shire Council, the John Leslie Foundation and community gathered to mark the start of construction of the $23 million redevelopment of Aqua Energy Leisure Centre.

An official turning of the sod ceremony was held in Sale on Tuesday October 10, signalling the start of work for the multi-million project, which is set to transform the centre into a contemporary community facility for everyone to enjoy.

Wellington Shire Council Chief Executive David Morcom.

Due for completion in June 2025, the redeveloped facility will feature a brand new state-of-the-art 25-metre pool and hall with a zero depth water play area, fully accessible single level pool deck for universal access, brand new change facilities, a Changing Places facility, new sauna, and a dedicated Learn to Swim office and coordination space.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye expressed excitement to the crowd of over 15 at the commencement of the project, describing it as the largest infrastructure project ever to be undertaken in the Shire’s history.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye.

“This redevelopment is a significant undertaking and one that has been a priority for Council for several years. We look forward to delivering a fantastic new facility to support the whole community,” Cr Bye said.

“In line with our Council Plan, health and wellbeing play a significant role in the economic and social fabric of our community. The new facility will not only encourage active participation, but it will also offer an inviting and accessible space for the community to come together and connect.

“We ask for the community’s patience as we move through the various stages of construction and for regular users of Aqua, we encourage you to take advantage of our temporary pool facilities at West Sale and Sale Outdoor Pool.”

Silver shovels to celebrate the turning of the first sod. Photo: Wellington Shire Council.

Cr Bye also mentioned the successful tenderer as Brooker Builders, a Bairnsdale-based company who have done other projects for the Wellington Shire.

“They’re going to employ 85 per cent local people to do the project at Aqua Energy,” he said.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence was unable to attend the ceremony, but Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh spoke as a representative for the state government to outline the benefits of the upgrade.

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh. Photos: Stefan Bradley

“This sort of work, you’re talking every couple of generations you get an investment this big,” Mr McIntosh said.

“It’s not lost on anyone what it means for all ages of our community. Our retirees, our children, our families. (It’s) getting everyone active, and together.

“Whether it’s mental health, physical health, bringing community together.”

Mr McIntosh also acknowledged and thanked Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien, who was also in attendance. The John Leslie Foundation was represented by Helene Booth, Brian Castles and Deidre Relph.

While many will laud the health and recreation benefits that Aqua Energy’s new facilities will provide, President of Gippsland Swimming, Jacqueline Madden, said it was important to remember that swimming is a life skill.

“Competition is the endgame for us, but swimming is a life skill,” she said.

From left: Wellington Shire Council Chief Executive David Morcom, Mayor Ian Bye, Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh and Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien. Photo: Stefan Bradley.

“We can get kids in the pool comfortable in the water, so when we have floods, and when we have water everywhere else, if they fall into the water they’re safe.”

Following the sod-turning ceremony, a tour of the Aqua Energy facility was given to those in attendance, along with some food and refreshments.

Left to Right: Vice President of Gippsland Swimming Catherine Vassiliou; Helene Booth and Brian Castles from John Leslie Foundation; Tom McIntosh, MLC for Eastern Victoria; Councillor Carolyn Crossley; Deidre Relph from the foundation; President of Gippsland Swimming, Jacqueline Madden; Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye, Councillor Gayle Maher; Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien. Photo: Stefan Bradley

The $23 million facility upgrade has been made possible thanks to the state government, including $2 million from the Local Sports Infrastructure Fund and $10 million from the Community Sports Infrastructure Loan Scheme, $950,000 from the John Leslie Foundation, with the remainder of the project funded by Wellington Shire Council. Council is also intending to utilise funds from the federal government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

President of Gippsland Swimming, Jacqueline Madden has welcomed the redevelopment, saying swimming is a vital life skill.

For more information about the project, visit

Representatives from state parliament, Wellington Shire Council, John Leslie Foundation, Gippsland Swimming and others were at the sod-turning ceremony. Photo: Stefan Bradley.