Council embarks on strategic review of Saleyards

Council is undertaking a strategic review of the Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange. Photos: File

WELLINGTON Shire Council is undertaking a strategic review of the Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange (GRLE) located at Saleyards Road in Sale, following changes in throughput over previous years.

The Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange has been in operation for more than 60 years, and the precinct includes an undercover cattle yard with soft floors, outdoor sheep yards, overflow cattle yards, truck wash, office and canteen, and toilet facilities.

In 2016, after extensive evaluation and based on a commercial business case, Wellington Shire Council completed upgrades to the main selling area, ensuring it met modern animal welfare and environmental standards.

Following a sustained period of declining throughput, the strategic review will identify and investigate issues and test opportunities identified to support the future of the saleyards.

As part of this consultation, council is working closely with Livestock Agents and other key stakeholders, seeking input to identify suitable recommendations.

Stage one of the review was completed in mid-2023 and assessed the existing conditions of the saleyards, including facilities, throughput, and financials.

The next stage is about to get underway and will include targeted stakeholder consultation.

Urban Enterprise, together with Outcross Agri-Services, has been engaged to complete the consultation process and identify recommendations, each bringing a range of experience across saleyards.

There are two ways to participate – by completing a survey or providing contact details for a one-on-one meeting with Tom Newsome from the agriculture consulting firm Outcross Agri-Services.

Mr Newsome will be available to hear from agents and other stakeholders by appointment on Wednesday, August 16 or Thursday, August 17.

Mr Newsome is looking forward to facilitating open conversations and better understanding how agents, buyers and sellers plan to use the saleyards in the future. Input from other users, including transporters, will also be important to ensure suitable recommendations are considered.

To inform the outcome of the review, participants are invited to share their knowledge, experiences, ideas, and concerns relating to the current and future use of the sale yards.

Wellington Shire Mayor, Ian Bye said he was also looking forward to the next stage of the strategic review, and encourages those in the community with interest in the saleyards or the future of the site to take part.

“Despite investment into the main selling platform in 2015, parts of the precinct continue to age and will need reinvestment to maintain, repair or replace infrastructure over the next 10-15 years,” Cr Bye said.

“Through this review, we hope to better understand any challenges with the site, opportunities for future use and growth, and I encourage both users and the public to take part in community consultation activities.”

The community can participate in the Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange Strategic Review survey between August 28 and September 28 2023, by visiting

For more information or to register for a phone call, visit or call Wellington Shire Council on 1300 366 244.

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison rocking a Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange hat on a trip to the region in 2019.