Federation University Gippsland graduation

Liam Durkin

FEDERATION University graduates rejoiced earlier this week as years of hard work and dedication to study culminated in them finally receiving their degrees.

Proud parents and friends gathered at the Churchill campus auditorium, as each student was presented on stage to formally acknowledge their achievements.

Officialdom was on display at its fullest, as students dressed in full academic robes and doffed their square caps to university officials.

The most recent cohort was well and truly in a class of its own, having been through arguably the greatest challenge ever seen in education, with most of them completing their final year via remote learning.

For other students, such as Boolarra’s Anna McCracken, who finished her studies in 2019, the graduation ceremony put a full stop on a long and arduous journey.

“It feels really good, it’s a bit surreal,” she said post-ceremony.

“After everything that went on last year I thought graduation was going to be completely cancelled so the fact that we are back here is pretty exciting.

“I don’t think there is anything you can do online that could be better than what we did today.

“It’s something I’ve been waiting for my whole life and something my family and friends have been waiting for, it is a really special thing.

“Seeing all the other people that graduated as well was great, especially a year-and-a-half after we haven’t seen each other, it’s nice to have a catch up.”

Ms McCracken graduated with a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education and is now working as a high school teacher.

Federation University vice-chancellor Duncan Bentley praised the students for their efforts.

“Their resilience and perseverance is significant. If I were an employer employing now I would want one of these graduates because if they can overcome this sort of hardship (the pandemic) they can overcome anything,” he said.

The graduates will now take the skills they have learnt out into the workplace, putting the many late night study sessions and 11.59pm submission of assignments behind them.