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Letter to the editor | Politics can be a tough and rough game

THERE has been recent debate on these pages about the pros and cons of Darren Chester’s removal from the Cabinet and whether anyone should...

Letter to the editor | Next steps for RAAF Base, East Sale?

SILICON Valley in the United States started as a university with too much land and to fix the problem, the dean attracted venture capital...

Letter to the editor | VicForests money could be better spent

I’M sick of paying for VicForests to bulldoze our forest when the $20 million a year they’re losing could instead go to creating new...

Letter to the editor | Net zero targets are not ‘wacky green policy’

RACHEL Southwell contends that global warming is an irrelevance compared to other issues and that “net zero (emissions) is a wacky green policy promoted...

Letter to the editor | Nationals are behaving ‘selfishly’

GIPPSLANDERS should be very concerned about Victorian National Party leader Peter Walsh's attempt to disaffiliate his state division from the federal Nationals in order...

Letter to the editor | Net zero is a ‘wacky green policy’

I AM disgusted by the Victorian National Party's boys' club carrying on like feral schoolkids in reaction to Barnaby Joyce's return to the deputy...

Letter to the editor | We must plan well for future development

IF residents of this shire want to be more prosperous, if we want to create more jobs and better jobs, we need to 'out-think'...

Letter to the editor | Campaign to ‘discredit’ Darren Chester

RECENT letter writers have tried to make sense of Darren Chester's sacking at the hands of Barnaby Joyce by blaming Chester himself. In their desperation...

Letter to the editor | I’d vote for Darren if he went independent

MANY years ago a handsome young reporter turned up from WIN Television to do a story about our Christmas exhibition. He was quietly spoken and...

Letter to the editor | Gippslanders will still be well represented

DARREN Chester's exit from the ministry means that Gippsland no longer has a direct voice at the Cabinet table. However this does not mean that...

Letter to the editor | Chester has had a ‘shocking tantrum’

THE only insult to Gippslanders regarding the federal National Party's leadership switch to Barnaby Joyce has been the shocking tantrum from Darren Chester over...

Surprise in the sky

LETTER TO THE EDITOR IT was with some wonder during a recent Sunday, when a neighbour and I saw a jet plane performing aeronautic manoeuvres...

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Snap Fitness Sale’s official grand opening

Despite being open to the public for months, Snap Fitness Sale had its official grand opening on Monday last week. There were appearances from the...