Sale Toastmasters celebrates 10th anniversary

Kevin Broughton (left) is receiving 'Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year Award', presented by Ash Hall.

Sale Toastmasters celebrated a decade-long milestone in the Wellington community.

For 10 years it has built the in-person and online skills of public speaking, presentation skills and leadership for Gippslanders.

At a special event on Monday, June 24, current members, former members and guests gathered to celebrate. With speeches on how Sale Toastmasters has improved confidence and professionalism, it was an uplifting and motivating event.

Sale Toastmasters is part of Toastmasters International, who operate in 148 countries, supporting its members with a comprehensive professional development program and 100-year history.

Sale Toastmasters meet in person every second and fourth Monday evening at 7pm at the Bond Street Event Centre, 20 Bond St, Sale and online in a supportive and fun environment.

To find out more or contact the club, email phone Susan Mitrevski on 0408 403 800.

Gippsland Climate Change Network Chief Executive and former Wellington Shire Council councillor and mayor Darren McCubbin (standing on the left) was one of the guests at Sale Toastmasters’ first meeting 10 years ago.

Sale Toastmasters members past and present celebrated 10 years on Monday, June 24. Photos: Contributed