National Boys Choir of Australia impress in Yarram

The Performing Choir (the younger boys) at the Yarram Regent Theatre on Sunday.

THERE was a buzz backstage as the choristers waited for the audience to settle.

Artistic director, Andrew Bainbridge issued his last verbal instructions to the boys. He took a quiet moment for himself as the cue came for the choristers, in the National Boys Choir of Australia Touring Choir, to file onstage.

Accompanist, Jane Matheson slid almost unnoticed into her seat in front of the piano, while Mr Bainbridge strode confidently onstage to take his position as conductor.

Mr Bainbridge nodded to Ms Matheson at the piano as he raised his arms.

The choristers’ eyes focused on Mr Bainbridge, and then sweet, angelic music filled the magnificent Yarram Regent Theatre on Saturday September 10.

The audience sat in rapt attention; some people even closed their eyes to savour the pure sound of the piano blending with 34 of this country’s finest young voices.

Touring Choir Chorister Ayrton said: “I love the music they give me,” and George’s simple explanation of why he’s in the choir summed it up: “Singing makes me happy!”

After the NBCA Touring Choir had sung several musical arrangements, including Festive Alleluia and For the Beauty of the Earth, the NBCA’s Young Men’s Choir took to the stage. It changed the mood entirely with its heartfelt rendition of Save the Last Dance for Me.

The afternoon concert continued in that way, with the Touring Choir performing onstage, followed by the Young Men’s Choir.

“The Young Men’s Choir is made up of 20 teenagers who used to be in the performing choir until their voices changed. They missed the camaraderie, the singing, the rehearsals and the performing … and so the Young Men’s Choir was formed,” Mr Bainbridge explained.

“The choice they made to continue their singing has paid off for them because early next year, they’re touring Japan.”

The show concluded with the Touring Choir, energised and excited by the concert, whole-heartedly performing several musical pieces, including Come Follow the Band from ‘Barnum’ and Pooh Sticks from ‘Songs of the Hundred Acre Wood’.

For those who attended, it was an afternoon of beautiful music they were privileged to hear in Yarram. For those who missed out this time, here’s hoping there’s a next time.

Yarram was treated to wonderful singing by the Young Men’s Choir. Photos: Contributed