MAFFRA Secondary College student Olivia Palmer has an eye for art, and the judges at the STAEDTLER Secondary School Art Competition agreed, awarding her second place in the junior category for her entry, a charcoal piece.

The STAEDTLER Secondary School Artists of the Year Competition was open to all Year 7 to 12 students (junior and senior categories), with the chance to win prizes. There were also people’s choice awards for juniors and seniors.

The competition allowed participants to create what they pleased, with imagination the only restriction.

Olivia, a Year 9 student with an interest in realism and detail, entered as a junior with her entry, The Realistic Eye.

Olivia Palmer’s charcoal piece, The Realistic Eye, came second in the junior category of STAEDTLER Secondary School Artists of the Year Competition.

“I just wanted to enter something I enjoy and I was really intrigued by all the detail (of an eye),” Olivia said.

“It’s the first time I’ve picked up charcoal. I really liked it.”

The results were announced on July 7, and Olivia’s dad informed her of the fantastic result.

“It’s very, very exciting. I was with my nan and my dad called me up to tell me the news,” Olivia said.

“They’re so proud, and I’m so proud of myself.”

Olivia’s supportive parents had been spreading the word about her art when they stumbled on the competition.

Her second place showing demonstrates that her art career is already picking up momentum.

“My dad built me an art studio, so my easel is set up all the time,” she said.

“Every day after school I go to my art studio and do a little bit at a time.

Olivia Palmer, 14, hopes to one day run her own small business as an artist.

“I’ve always had a creative look at things. I’ve always enjoyed craft.”

Olivia’s goal is to support herself through art. She has begun to get some paid commission work via word of mouth.

Olivia has created a social media page for her art: