It was a culmination of a whole school term’s worth of skipping rope, as Stratford Primary School jumped well over their initial target of $1000, to raise over $2000 for the Heart Foundation as part of Jump Rope for Heart.

June 17 was Stratford Primary School’s Jump Off Day, an important milestone for the kids who became Heart Heroes.

Stratford Primary Grade 5/6 teacher and sports co-ordinator Kate Steele said the kids began physical preparation for the event at the start of term.

“The students trained for one hour a week in PE classes. They would learn skipping skills and tricks. They also had access to the skipping ropes for lunchtime, so they could continue to play,” she said.

“We also learnt about cardiovascular health. We talked about having a healthy heart, and how running helps with that. We have a runners club at the school, so the kids can earn house points.”

On the Jump Off Day, the kids were sorted into their house groups, led by their house captains.

From 11.30am, the primary schoolers started skipping both indoors and outdoors.

“We are lucky enough to have a stadium we could use. What a great resource for us to have,” Ms Steele said.

The weather was cool enough outside so they wouldn’t get overheated.

But it would be the training that would get them through the day.

The students rotated through three skipping stations and participated in long rope, partner skipping, skipping relays and skipping games.

After a break, there was an opportunity to showcase their skipping skills at the school assembly.

Ms Steele said it was a successful event.

“The kids loved it. It’s fantastic to see them getting involved outside of PE class by skipping at home and during play breaks,” she said.

“It’s something different and allows the kids to stay active. Our goal was to raise $1000 for the Heart Foundation, and we raised over $2000.”

Jump Off Day as part of Jump Rope for Heart at
Stratford Primary School. Photos: Tom Parry

Stratford Primary School students enjoyed the activities.

Plenty of fun was had by the students as they raised funds for Jump Rope for Heart.

These students jumped during the fundraiser at Stratford Primary School.

The students taking part in the Jump Rope for Heart event at Stratford Primary School.