Wellington Food Pantry are seeking to remind everybody of their change of address.

The community service is now located at Shop 7 in the Raymond Street mall.

According to facilitator Keeley Barakat, the Pantry’s new home allows for greater exposure than its former site in Mark Avenue.

“A lot of people can’t get to the Mark Avenue location, so this (new location) is a lot easier for everyone to get to,” Ms Barakat said.

The larger size of their new building is also being cited as a key reason for the move.

The Pantry was formed three years ago as an initiative of the Wellington Community Op Shop.

As part of their services, the Pantry provides fresh produce, toiletries and other such essentials to anybody who requires them.

Products are sourced from the Aldi supermarket and local businesses in Sale, with any unwanted produce donated to fellow non-profit groups.

Ms Barakat noted that there had been an uptick in people utilising the Pantry as cost-of-living pressures continue to mount.

“And it’s not just from people that are unemployed – it’s also middle-class, working people that obviously can’t afford their living expenses anymore,” Ms Barakat said.

Volunteers at the Pantry also stressed that nobody is ever turned away and that they are able to help everyone.

Wellington Food Pantry is open Tuesdays to Thursdays, 9.30am to 2pm, and Fridays from 9.30am to 12.30pm.