Landcare grants empower inspiring volunteer groups

Cowwarr Landcare Group received a Support Grant, which provides up to $500 to assist with administrative costs. Photos: West Gippsland CMA

LANDCARE volunteers across West Gippsland have received $337,250 in funding to protect and restore the region’s environment, in the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants.

Minister for the Environment, Steve Dimopoulos announced the recipients of the $3.62 million Victorian Landcare Grants at the Victorian Landcare Awards ceremony in July.

Across the state, more than 227 projects including 16 in Wellington Shire were allocated grants worth up to $20,000 to fund on-ground and educational projects focused on biodiversity protection, while a further 296 support grants will assist environmental volunteer groups.

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) manages the grant process for the region.

“I’m delighted that local Landcare and environmental groups in West Gippsland will share in $337,250 funding from this year’s program to empower them to continue their vital work protecting and restoring our natural environment,” West Gippsland CMA Chief Executive, Martin Fuller said.

Beth Ripper is a member of Maffra and Districts Landcare Network.

A total of 21 grants were awarded to Landcare and environmental volunteer groups in the West Gippsland catchment for projects including revegetation, habitat protection, river restoration and community engagement.

“As a proud partner of Landcare, we look forward to seeing all these exciting projects and initiatives come to life over the next 12-18 months as we continue our role supporting, facilitating and championing Landcare in West Gippsland.”

Successful projects extend across the region, from Archies Creek to Maffra, and include initiatives such as safeguarding remnant forests, restoring swampy woodland to protect threatened species, developing a community nursery and inspiring the next generation of Landcarers.

Recipients of Project Grants of up to $20,000 in the Wellington Shire include:

  • Dargo Landcare Group, which was allocated $6800 for it’s project – Grady’s Creek Restoration 2024/2025 Dargo Water;
  • Yarram Landcare Network, which received $20,000 for revitalization and a Community Nursery Project;
  • Yarram Urban Landcare Group received $8633 for a demonstration of revegetation techniques, in particular direct seeding, for it’s Yarram Yarram Land-care community project, and;
  • Maffra and Districts Landcare Network was allocated $5813 for it’s project – Noticing Nature with iNaturalist.

Project Grants are for on-ground works, capability building activities, community education and engagement that protects or improves our natural environment such as native vegetation, native fauna, waterways, wetlands, and soils.

Members of the Woodside Landcare Group, who received a $500 support grant.

The following groups received Support Grants, which provide up to $500 to assist with costs like insurance, incorporation and operational needs, or meetings and events or newsletters, websites and other communication: Woodside Landcare Group Inc; Maffra Trails Landcare Group; Friends of Freestone Creek (Briagolong); Albert River Landcare Group; Stratford Beefcheque Group; Upper Avon Landcare Group; Cowwarr Landcare Group; Merriman Creek Landcare Group; Binginwarri Landcare Group; Glengarry Landcare group, and; Wonyip Landcare Group of YYLN.